Today we are going to talk about the newest outbreak going on.
What is Covid-19? 2019-nCoV is a Novel Coronavirus. A novel (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that has never been detected in humans before. This strain is from the same family as SARS but is not the same virus.
What is a Coronavirus? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses found in both animals and humans, some infect humans and range from common cold to MERS or SARS.
How is is transmitted? From being in close contact with an infected person through respiratory droplets generated when a person, for example, coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose.
What can you do to protect yourself?
Even if you haven’t traveled out of the country you cannot be sure if someone who comes into your business has. It is always a good idea to have a professional cleaning company disinfect your building.
There are now currently only 13 current cases combined in California, Washington, Arizona, Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts.
Below is a picture of the current world documented cases.
Please call Enviro USA Inc today at 866-564-1414. Enviro USA Inc can help you set up services to help disinfect your building today. We Make Building Care Easy!
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