What is Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) exactly?
SBS is a range of symptoms that occur after spending time in a particular building, normally an office building or space.
Symptoms normally disappear or are reduced after leaving the building even if just for your lunch break.
First I will go over the symptoms and then we will move to how to help eliminate the issues.
Now you may wonder what is causing SBS?
SBS can not only harm your employees but it can harm your bottom line as well.
Studies show poor environmental conditions reduce an employee’s productivity, efficiency and happiness at their job and increases the number of sick days taken.
Every year, poor indoor air costs employers up to $15 billion in worker productivity and sick leave.
Employees of open offices were found to have 62% more sick days than those in a cellular layout.
Now how can you help eliminate SBS in your office?
Enviro USA is here to help you with your Sick Building Syndrome. We are a total building maintenance company. Our technicians can handle your HVAC, Electrical and Janitorial services to help eliminate your Sick building Syndrome issues.
Call 866-564-1414 or visit www.envirousa.com to schedule a meeting with one of our team today!
“Building Care Made Easy!!!”
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Email: info@envirousa.com | Address: 7850 Stage Hills Blvd Suite 108 Bartlett, TN 38133
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